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Gambling in Japan in 2022

japan gambling

Japan is the second most active country in gambling in Asia. However, it is simply forbidden to own a casino or offer any online gambling. However, things will change in the future as the population wants to relax these old regulations.

The Prime Minister has therefore decided to change the legislation and authorize the creation of online and land-based casinos in Japan, including ディーラー カジノ. They should open soon. It's a real revolution in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Japan and the ban on online casinos

Japan is a country and a culture in its own right. It is difficult to understand it, because it is an ancient culture at the forefront of modernity. Sometimes this marriage gives rise to paradoxes which over there are logical. Japan is a wonderful place to experience an ethereal concept in the West: to think differently.

You will read on the plane that takes you to Tokyo that the Japanese are passionate about gambling. It is even an ancestral tradition. On the next line you will read that casinos are completely banned in Japan. These two contrary truths are not mutually exclusive, they coexist.

Since 1907, the law has been clear: Article 23 of the penal code in Japan dating from 1907 simply prohibits gambling within the country. The risk incurred is a fine of ¥500,000 and three years in prison for repeat offenders.

The law has nevertheless changed and tolerates some circumventions. This loosening has made pachinko halls the third largest leisure industry in the country, with around 200 billion dollars per year! Japan is therefore evolving and casinos will soon be authorized to move towards a controlled liberalization.

Pachinko, a real-fake money game

japan gambling

Pachinko is a kind of slot machine associated with a pinball machine. The player decides the power he is going to give to the ball he is going to launch on a kind of plate where spikes deflect the balls into holes. When the ball falls into a hole, it triggers a mini slot machine consisting of a reel and three symbols.

Depending on the symbol combinations, the player will win even more marbles. These marbles, he can keep them to play again or exchange them for gifts. Among these gifts, it is possible for the player to request small plaques. They are exchangeable for money in a small exchange office which is of course outside the gaming room. You have understood it, the world of pachinko gently circumvents the law with the blessing of the authorities. These gambling halls are, for the most part, be under the control of the Korean mafia.

Sports betting for koei kyogi

The koei kyogi are the public sports which have long been the only ones to be able to receive wagers legally.

  • Horse races
  • Keirin cycling
  • Motorcycle Oto resu
  • Kyotei, airplane racing
It was not until 1998 that gambling on football matches was authorized.

Online casinos in Japan

In Japan, online casinos are not authorized on the territory. This is a double penalty for Japanese players who have become specialists in online gambling. It is common among Asian bookmakers to find bets on Japanese Sumo. There is a whole range of games in online casinos directly from Japanese culture. The Keiba game for example, and its virtual horse races: races without suffering for these virtual horses.

And since 2016 with the licensing of casinos in Japan, players have hoped to have Japanese online casinos where they can deposit and play while enjoying the guarantees of the Japanese license.

We know that this license will be given by an official organization and that for the moment, the government dreams of building a Japanese Las Vegas in Osaja or Tokyo. The mystery still remains, but if you plan to go to Japan, you could be one of the first foreign players to play legally in a casino on Japanese soil.


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