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With so many different variations of poker out there, chances are there will be at least one that’s more appealing than another, but with each variation comes a number of different rules and more importantly a list of different strategies to secure a win too – online platforms have growing representation of all of the big favourites as you can click here to visit the best, but if the goal is to learn more about the game and how to win, what are the best tools and resources out there for learning the different variations of the game?

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Teaching apps – Mobile apps can do a many great deal of things, and passionate individuals have always done a great job at providing a valuable service through hard work and determination – for Poker fans, there are plenty of apps out there with databases on popular poker strategies, the differences between the games, and examples of different hands and what may be the best way to play them depending on the state of the table. Whilst these tips certainly won’t get you to the winners table at the WSOP, they can give enough information to get things started and develop a new passion in Poker and all its forms and variations.

Streamers and content creators can be invaluable – If somebody wants to learn how to be a better football player, they’ll watch the pros and game tape – the same rules apply for games like Poker, but with livestreaming and content creation being what it is today, it’s much easier to get a first-hand and real time look at what some of the best players do as they turn to online alternatives to play and share that experience with viewers too. Seeing in real time how a hand is played and develops, and hearing commentary over the top of that play for the thought process during that time is extremely valuable and has been credited to big wins for many players over the years as they hone their own skills.

Keep notes, or record play sessions if possible – Whilst watching others can help, many top players have said over the years that the best tool for improving and learning the game is to be critical of self-performance – taking notes throughout the game is a common habit of many top players anyway, but particularly if playing online then the ability is also there to record the game and watch it back later. Pick apart what happened throughout the course of play and what could’ve been done differently – being self-critical is the best way to see personal evolution whilst playing, and for most players can lead to the most improvement over a short period of time.

As Poker continues to grow in popularity much like it has been, these tools will certainly only grow and develop further making it easier for newer players to explore the game, and for experienced players to step up their own skills too.


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